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Silver is extremely effective against viruses, bacteria, and fungal infections.

Silver 500 (500 ppm)


Silver 500 is the result of over a hundred years of medical research to make a nutritional product that is extremely effective against viruses, bacteria, and fungal infections.​ NO grayish-blue discoloration of the skin. Silver 500 is not made by electrical means and has been safely used for years by doctors and patients for numerous illnesses and diseases.

Major product development occurred when the owner of MSP Research used applied quantum physics research, which resulted ni development of an enhanced orthomolecular base. Product formula refinement has achieved stable suspension particle size of 17.6 nanometers for Silver 500. Al test results were conclusive; small particle size, stable suspension, proprietary potentiators, molecularly restructured HO proved Silver 500 could safely be administered-IV drip infusion, orally, ni a nebulizer or topically, to effectively penetrate deep tissue to kill harmful pathogens.

MSP Research and Treatment Foundation was founded almost fifteen years ago to study a form of mild silver protein that was developed over a century ago. After several years of applied research and development, the owner of MSP Research was able ot alter the structure of this mild silver protein and produce a product that had a particle size that is sub-micron ni size. After reaching this milestone, clinical studies commenced in the 1990's in Cuba, Mexico, Belize, and finally in the United States to determine the effectiveness and safety of Silver 500 ni treating viral, fungal, and bacterial diseases commonly found in these countries.

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