You can't go wrong starting with diagnostics & detoxification as a baseline

Most patients have a good understanding of the effects taking place in their body or emotional state. However, the underlying cause is often a mystery, and they are looking beyond the rigid structure of the medical profession. We measure and analyze the subtle energy field using modern tools like Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) or Electrophotonic Imaging (EPI) technology. These tools allow us to pinpoint activity zones, and with the help of AI tools, create restoration protocols. Additionally, we employ ancient diagnostic modalities such as foot zoning, Reiki, energy work, biofield sounding, and pendulum dowsing.
Our approach to removing imbalances offers many different modalities based on your situation and goals. Detoxification is needed more than ever in our polluted environment, encompassing food, air, and water. Clearing our energetic fields from trauma, 5G waves, blue video screens and power lines. We activate the cellular dance for blood detoxification, breathing rhythm for carbon dioxide release and better water quality to assist key organs including kidneys, Intestines, lungs, lymphatic system and skin. We can recommend certain foods and supplements to assist in toxic release. It's critical that we follow up on our detoxification by removing or reducing our exposure.

The bodies neuro-pathways carry the healthy frequencies to all organs and mental harmony. Blockages in this area cause a sedentary lifestyle, illness and trauma. Resetting your neuro-pathways to a healthy state can be done with the support of advance technology in vibrational medicine. The body is composed by vibrational energy therefore, the energetic vibrational composition determines the overall health. Your subtle body structure is formed by every thought, feeling and action that you make and experience! Freewill gives you the power to remove the patterns that don't serve your highest good. Restoring the energetic fields will stop the decline in motivation, poor health or low quality of life.
Energetic modalities open the bodies natural pathways and restore the high vibrational frequencies to all organs and mental processing. Hidden voids or dark energy become attached to our body field creating patterns during traumatic events or poor quality of life. The energetic healer can detect these areas to send energy around the body field drawing them out. This ancient modality has been practiced throughout recorded history.

Holistic therapy of body touch is a natural healing modality that addresses body and spirit. The practitioner integrates alternative therapies to prevent imbalances that shows up in the body and energy field. Your optimal health happens when the body feels balanced and full of energy. Massage therapy helps remove muscle tension and energy blockage restoring balance. Free movement helps us reach our goals and that's why we also offer movement classes in yoga and dance. Your body and mind are your most valuable assets so invest accordingly. It’s important to understand how powerful your mind and bodies really are in giving you harmony in life.
Share a session with a special friend and make it a unique experience. You will always cherish this time together as you can each choose the same modalities from our listed or complementing experiences.