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We only recommend proven modalities and supplements

that we personally use

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My personal observation and the reason I put myself inservice of others

This Life is limited by time… Most people are not evolving to do the work they came here to do. They are distracted by all of the things going on in society, the continued effect of this will be catastrophic.

All my research show the best thinker believe the key to human life is always asking:

How we evolve?, Who am I?, Why am I here?     What is the purpose for incarnated in the present lifetime?

What do I choose to do with the rest of my life? Your answers will transform your life in profound ways!

We research and test holistic items all the time and only recommend products and modalities that have been proven successful.

We have list links for you to start with:​


What Do ‘Complementary’ and ‘Alternative’ Medicine Really Mean


Music medicine by John Stuart Reid


Home EMF sources


5g phones


Cell towers


Power lines


Air pollution


Beverly Rubik - Best research found

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