We have found a safe platform to practice holistic medicine as PMA
Private Membership Association
Private membership benefits and discounts on all biofield wellness sessions
Our client relationship takes the form of a Private Membership Association (PMA). By doing so, we are able to share holistic sessions of subtle energy outside of federal laws governing mainstream, chemical-based applications used by the medical profession. We believe we should not be penalized for living a natural, holistic lifestyle. This arrangement is necessary because we are one of the top centers offering a variety of frequency medicine protocols. This structure protects our relationship with you from unwarranted investigations, as well as sanctions by the Physicians Licensing Board. Additionally, we avoid paying outrageous malpractice insurance premiums – unnecessary costs that would be passed on to our customers. We still comply with HIPAA requirements, maintaining the privacy of treatments and personal information. Our holistic modalities have no known side effects; we would not offer them or use them ourselves if they did. However, if you suffer from certain medical conditions (e.g., claustrophobia), some of these modalities may not be appropriate.
We offer membership on 2 levels
Join our free membership for access to our Calendar of Events @ Rooster Hutt, resources and discount offers​​
Join our PMA Private Membership Association and enjoy access all biofield sessions offered giving you immediate return on investment. Please submit a signed request to join the PMA form and pay the $10 annual membership fee with your first session to receive discounts on all biofield sessions.
​Request to join Biofield sessions forms
Center for Divine Transition "Free membership signup terms and conditions"
II consent to receiving monthly updates to the Rooster Hutt, calendar of events with discount offers. This site nor its resources intended to provide diagnosis, treatment or medical advice. Products, services, information and other content provided on this site, including information that may be provided on this site through video, written content, or by linking to third-party websites are provided for informational purposes only. Please consult with a medical physician or other healthcare professional regarding any medical or health related diagnosis or treatment options.​
Sign: Print: Date:
*Intake forms below are required for Biofield Wellness Services*
Center for Divine Transition "Private Membership Association Contract"
I, ____________________________ request to join and hereby accept the terms of membership in the Center for Divine Transition Membership Association (hereinafter Association), a private venue, original and exclusive jurisdiction membership association available only by invitation and with application approval. With the sealing of this membership agreement, I accept the offer made to become a member of the Association. By signing this agreement, the member agrees to act in accordance with Center for Divine Transition Association’s Mission Statement: Our mission is to empower individuals to achieve optimal well-being through a holistic approach. We are dedicated to providing evidence-based resources, personalized guidance, and a supportive environment to help individuals make informed lifestyle choices. By fostering a deep understanding of what optimal health is, we aim to inspire lasting changes that promote vitality, balance, and overall health. Together, we strive to create a world where everyone can experience the transformative benefits of natural health. We treat the body as a whole and empower individuals to make informed decisions about their own health journey. The body holds the innate ability to heal itself if provided the right conditions. Nature has provided us with natural and non-invasive therapies to support the body’s healing process with simple lifestyle modifications
This Association of members, hereby declares that our purpose is to exist as a society living in peace under inherent law, to provide mutual benefits to all members and to protect our members’ rights to freedom of choice regarding our education and healthcare. As members, we affirm jurisdiction under inherent law as Natural Law. This agreement is entered to maintain and protect all birth rights and establish freedom of choice relating to the bodies, minds, and spirits of every member of our association. Members decide what is best for themselves and their legal or health condition. Thus, the ultimate goal of membership is to accept full responsibility for every aspect of one's' life, health and well being while becoming a self-governing member of this Association. This agreement is between members of the Association in a private relationship. In confirmation, I have freely chosen to change my legal status in this Association from a public person to a private member in the Association. My activities within the Association are protected by this private contract that precludes me from sharing any information regarding the Association or fellow Members with the public or any non-members. Thus, I hereby certify, attest and warrant that I, of sound mind and body, and competent to sign, have carefully read and understood the plain language of this agreement for Center for Divine Transition Membership Association Agreement voluntarily accept the private terms therein and in the Memorandum of Understanding and hereby intend these terms and this agreement. I attest that I have freely chosen to change my legal status in this Association from a public person to a private member in the Association. All interactions and exchanges within our association are confidential, occurring privately among individuals who elect to engage privately, and contain sensitive information meant only for the designated recipient. The Center for Divine Transition Association and Center for Divine Transition Fellowship assert all rights and disclaim responsibility for the content's use by members, users, or visitors. All rights are asserted unequivocally by the sender(s), without any waiver of rights. Public entities and individuals at the state and federal levels are prohibited from accessing or using content from this site, or any platform without explicit consent from the Center for Divine Transition Fellowship and Association. Violations of these terms will incur liability in both personal and official capacities.
Members sign: Print: Date:
Email address: "Its ok to hand deliver on first session"
Center for Divine Transition "Informed Consent Declaration" ​
I, ____________________________ voluntarily consent to using subtle energy treatments at the Center for Divine Transition. I have reviewed the program protocol, conditions and agree to comply all recommendations. To receive the true benefits, I will invest my time in reflection of my journey at hand. I accept the responsibility for my chose to live a healthier lifestyle. I acknowledge the CFDT does not treat any disease or illness that we are not licensed or certified to cure and we are not recognized as a medical healthcare facility. I agree to improve my well-being through a holistic approach. I’m dedicated to staying informed of all sessions I choose.
By fostering a deep understanding of what optimal health is, I aim to make lasting changes that promote vitality, balance, and overall health. I’m here to support my bodies innate ability to heal itself if provided the right conditions. Nature has provided us with natural and non-invasive therapies to support the body’s healing process with simple lifestyle modifications. I am fully informed that this holistic approach is not a part of any traditional medical standards. I will discuss my medical conditions with my primary medical professional. I hear by wave any claims or demands that I might now or here after have against center for divine transition or its owners or staff that may arise from any sessions, I choose to engage in. I have fully disclosed all medical and mental conditions to the staff at CFTD.
I understand that CFDT reserves the right to deny sessions if it is not deemed by CFDT to be in the best interest of the clients, staff, and or CFDT. I understand that any therapy session, remedies, nutritional supplements, or treatment modalities are intended to cure any specific illness. I at no time will discontinue any other medication or treatments directed by my primary care physician without their consent.
Members sign: Print: Date:
Email address: "Its ok to hand deliver on first session"
Center for Divine Transition”Confidential membership Intake Questionnaire"
Please explain your current goals, chief complaints or symptoms:
Have you received formal diagnoses of any kind?
Have you been told you have a hereditary disease? What is it?
Have experienced true happiness in your heart during this lifetime?
Do you suffer from anxiety or panic attacks? If so at what level 1-10?
Have you been diagnosed with psychiatric or mood disorder? Please explain.
Do your moods change quickly for no apparent reason?
Over time, have you developed addictions to food, alcohol, drugs or behaviors you didn't have before?
Do you hear thoughts in your head that are not yours?
Do you see people or things that others cannot? If so, please describe
Are you or have you ever felt suicidal?
I have truthfully answered the above questions and have no other critical health concerns to share.
Members sign: Print: Date:
Email address: "Its ok to hand deliver on first session"
We comply with HEPA requirements to maintain privacy of treatments and personal information.